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Rewriting Strange Leaflet in Phoenix and LiveSvelte

Another rewrite of Strange Leaflet? Yes! Still with the power of Svelte but now with Phoenix on the backend.

Again? Rewriting this blog again? Yes! This blog is now a Phoenix app and using LiveSvelte for frontend components. All the power of Phoenix + all the power of Svelte == awesome.


SvelteKit was great and I still say it’s an interesting approach. Its foundational integration with Svelte itself is, of course, wonderful.

But check out the src/routes directory structure I had grown for Strange Leaflet

├── +layout.svelte
├── +page.svelte
├── about
│  └── +page.svelte
├── api
│  └── blog
│     ├── +server.js
│     ├── featured
│     │  └── +server.js
│     ├── gitblogs
│     │  └── +server.js
│     ├── micro
│     │  └── +server.js
│     ├── posts
│     │  └── +server.js
│     └── search
│        └── +server.js
├── blog
│  ├── +layout.js
│  ├── +page.js
│  ├── +page.svelte
│  ├── featured
│  │  ├── +layout.js
│  │  ├── +page.server.js
│  │  └── +page.svelte
│  ├── feed[[format]]
│  │  └── +server.js
│  ├── gitblogs
│  │  ├── +layout.js
│  │  ├── +page.server.js
│  │  ├── +page.svelte
│  │  ├── [post]
│  │  │  ├── +layout.js
│  │  │  ├── +page.js
│  │  │  └── +page.svelte
│  │  └── mdsvex.svelte
│  ├── mdsvex.svelte
│  ├── micro
│  │  ├── +layout.js
│  │  ├── +page.server.js
│  │  ├── +page.svelte
│  │  └── [post]
│  │     ├── +layout.js
│  │     ├── +page.js
│  │     └── +page.svelte
│  └── posts
│     ├── +layout.js
│     ├── +page.server.js
│     ├── +page.svelte
│     ├── [post]
│     │  ├── +layout.js
│     │  ├── +page.js
│     │  └── +page.svelte
│     └── mdsvex.svelte
├── contact
│  └── +page.svelte
├── feed[[format]]
│  └── +server.js
└── search
   ├── +page.server.js
   └── +page.svelte

Not terrible but I found myself editing the wrong +page.svelte file or +server.js file more than once. And any additional routes would compound the problem.

Here’s the complexity around getting blog posts

const blogItems = (globbed) => {
  return Object.entries(globbed)
    .map(([path, meta]) => {
      meta.metadata.date = new Date(meta.metadata.date);

      return {
        path: path
          .replace(/^\/src\/lib/, "")
          .replace(/\.svx$/, "")
          .replace(/\/index$/, ""),
    .sort((a, b) => {
      return b.metadata.date - a.metadata.date;

export const fetchPosts = async () => {
  const postFiles = import.meta.glob("/src/lib/blog/posts/**/*.svx", {
    eager: true,
  return blogItems(postFiles);


Conversely this is the lib directory tree for this Phoenix app

├── mix
│  └── tasks
│     └── strangeleaflet.blog.gen.feed.ex
├── strange_leaflet
│  ├── application.ex
│  ├── blog
│  │  ├── blog.ex
│  │  └── post.ex
│  └── mailer.ex
├── strange_leaflet.ex
├── strange_leaflet_web
│  ├── components
│  │  ├── core_components.ex
│  │  ├── layouts
│  │  │  ├── app.html.heex
│  │  │  └── root.html.heex
│  │  └── layouts.ex
│  ├── controllers
│  │  ├── blog_controller.ex
│  │  ├── blog_html
│  │  │  ├── index.html.heex
│  │  │  ├── pagination.html.heex
│  │  │  ├── show.html.heex
│  │  │  ├── tagged.html.heex
│  │  │  └── tags.html.heex
│  │  ├── blog_html.ex
│  │  ├── error_html
│  │  │  ├── 404.html.heex
│  │  │  └── 500.html.heex
│  │  ├── error_html.ex
│  │  ├── error_json.ex
│  │  ├── page_controller.ex
│  │  ├── page_html
│  │  │  ├── about.html.heex
│  │  │  └── homepage.html.heex
│  │  ├── page_html.ex
│  │  ├── widget_controller.ex
│  │  └── widget_html.ex
│  ├── endpoint.ex
│  ├── gettext.ex
│  ├── router.ex
│  └── telemetry.ex
└── strange_leaflet_web.ex

Much easier to follow and organize concepts, at least for me. Certainly easier to wire up new routes!

get "/widgets", WidgetController, :index
get "/widgets/:id", WidgetController, :show

And because it’s Elixir I can run my application and connect Livebook to that running application and interact with my code using Livebook as a wonderful REPL. Here’s me figuring out the code to build up the list of tags and counts from posts.

Using Livebook to interact with the Strange Leaflet code


Thanks to LiveSvelte I don’t have to give up the power of Svelte components for the frontend! Everything in /widgets is currently a Svelte component. I could add LiveView components as well. I could even have Svelte components wired up to LiveView!

The navigation header you see is still a Flowbite-Svelte component. I still have my customized penguin component.


How’s the Svelte component experience? Pretty great!

I have assets/svelte and all the Svelte components are in that directory. If I want to use any npm packages such as the excellent Flowbite Svelte I simply add them in the assets directory which has a normal package.json and them they’re available to use in a Svelte component.

import { Pagination } from "flowbite-svelte";


Instead of mdsvex to organize .svx (Svelte + Markdown) files as blog posts I’m using NimblePublisher from Dashbit. It serves a similar purpose but I get to use Elixir and a well thought out developer experience to organize blog posts.

Elixir school has an excellent tutorial on using NimblePublisher if you’re interested.

Here’s how I tell NimblePublisher where and what to find as blog posts.

use NimblePublisher,
  build: Post,
  from: Application.app_dir(:strange_leaflet, "priv/posts/**/*.md"),
  as: :posts,
  highlighters: [:makeup_elixir, :makeup_erlang, :makeup_json, :makeup_js]

And to have a sorted set of @posts?

@posts Enum.sort_by(@posts, & &1.date, {:desc, Date})

Here’s how I build up my tag list.

@tags @posts
      |> Enum.flat_map(& &1.tags)
      |> Enum.frequencies()
      |> Enum.sort_by(fn {_tag, count} -> count end, :desc)

This experience being so smooth and easy is key for me since I want to introduce a “leaflet” concept separate from blog posts.

I have a great blog writing experience, a powerful web backend, and a powerful web frontend: all in one app!

Another rewrite of Strange Leaflet? Yes! Still with the power of Svelte but now with Phoenix on the backend.