Fun with Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/fun-with-rock-paper-scissors
Writing Ruby programs to play Rock, Paper, Scissors
James Edward Gray II’s Ruby Quiz #16 was to implement Rock, Paper, Scissors playing classes to compete on a playing field managed by a given Game class. Today we revisit this quiz for a bit of coding fun. We’ll implement some simple players and move on to some basic metaprogramming techniques and write players that manipulate each other or the game itself.
If you want to follow along:
$ git clone git://
$ cd ruby_quiz/16
# play the "always rock" player against the "always scissors" player
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/always_rock.rb players/always_scissors.rb
AlwaysRock vs. AlwaysScissors
AlwaysRock: 1000
AlwaysScissors: 0
AlwaysRock Wins
Simple Player
Right. So here’s what a very simple player class looks like.
# Michael Bluth
class AlwaysRock < Player
def choose
The rock_paper_scissors.rb
file defines a Player
class, a Game
class, and provides a script to run the contest. Our own custom player classes have to inherit from the given Player class and implement a choose
method that returns :rock
, :paper
, or :scissors
. Our players can optionally implement a result
method that is used as a callback from the game to allow our players to see the result of their play. If our players have an initialize
method it is called with the classname of the opponent.
So, back to Michael Bluth (or Poor Predictable Bart) who always chooses rock. His choose
method returns the symbol :rock
. Easy. Let’s write a player to beat him. Also easy.
class AlwaysPaper < Player
def choose
GOB will beat Michael Bluth 100% of the time.
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/always_rock.rb players/always_paper.rb
AlwaysRock vs. AlwaysPaper
AlwaysRock: 0
AlwaysPaper: 1000
AlwaysPaper Wins
Ok, now let’s write a player to beat them both. Consistently.
Reactive Player
class Reactive < Player
rock: :paper,
paper: :scissors,
scissors: :rock
def choose
@my_move || :paper
def result(my_move, opponent_move, outcome)
@my_move = MOVE_THAT_BEATS[opponent_move]
This player is kind of interesting, but still straightforward. Reactive has a constant MOVE_THAT_BEATS
that maps moves to the move that would beat them. Reactive then uses that knowledge to play the move that beats the last move played by its opponent (or :paper
initially). This strategy should prove extremely effective against a player who always makes the same move.
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/always_rock.rb players/always_paper.rb players/reactive.rb
AlwaysRock vs. Reactive
AlwaysRock: 0
Reactive: 1000
Reactive Wins
AlwaysPaper vs. Reactive
AlwaysPaper: 0.5
Reactive: 999.5
Reactive Wins
Yep, Always Rock loses every game because Reactive plays paper from the start. Paper gets in one draw, then loses every game afterwards.
Now, let’s write a player that will beat all of the players thus far.
Random Player
Theoretically, the best strategy in Rock, Paper, Scissors is to be completely random. That’s a pretty easy strategy for a computer to play (although surprisingly difficult for a human) so let’s code that up next.
class RandomPlayer < Player
def choose
[:rock, :paper, :scissors].shuffle.first
Well that was easy. Let’s pit Random against some of the players so far.
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/always_rock.rb players/random.rb
# out of 10 runs, Random won 8 games
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/reactive.rb players/random.rb
# out of 10 runs, Random won 8 games
Fun, but not all that interesting. How about we write a player who watches their opponent and builds a strategy to defeat them? This player is going to be a bit more complex than those we’ve written so far.
Pattern Matching Player
The plan: build up a pattern memory of player moves, opponent moves, and the next move the opponent played under those conditions. After every move:
- remember the moves that were just played
- record the previous game’s moves and the opponents move
- use that record of game patterns to determine the opponent’s next likely move and play the move that beats it
This pattern set will allow us to make observations such as “the last ten times I played rock and my opponent played paper, my opponent’s next move was scissors” or “out the last 97 times I played rock and my opponent played scissors my opponent played scissors next 96% of the time”.
class PatternMatching < Player
rock: :paper,
paper: :scissors,
scissors: :rock
def initialize(opponent)
@first_game = true
@patterns = {
rock: {},
paper: {},
scissors: {}
def choose
@my_move || :rock
def result(mine, theirs, outcome)
store_moves(mine, theirs)
@first_game = false
def store_moves(mine, theirs)
unless @first_game
store_pattern(mine, theirs)
@my_last_move = mine
@their_last_move = theirs
def store_pattern(mine, theirs)
if @patterns[@my_last_move][@their_last_move]
@patterns[@my_last_move][@their_last_move] << theirs
@patterns[@my_last_move][@their_last_move] = [theirs]
def plan_next_move
@my_move = MOVE_THAT_BEATS[their_likely_next_move] || :rock
def their_likely_next_move
their_moves = @patterns[@my_last_move][@their_last_move]
return [:rock, :paper, :scissors].shuffle.first if their_moves.nil?
count =
their_moves.each do |move|
count[move] += 1
count.sort_by {|key, value| value}.last.first
This player looks complicated, but the only tricky logic is around the whole “Is this the first game or not?” I’m not entirely happy with the way I’ve worked it out here, but it gets the job done.
and their_likely_next_move
are the two key methods. The move patterns are stored as nested hashes:
[my move][opponent move] => [array of observed moves]
[:rock][:paper] => [
The their_likely_next_move
method looks into the pattern and counts up the data seen so far. If there’s no data yet, it guesses randomly.
Let’s see how our pattern matcher fares!
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/always_rock.rb players/pattern_matching.rb
AlwaysRock vs. PatternMatching
AlwaysRock: 1.0
PatternMatching: 999.0
PatternMatching Wins
Not bad! Our pattern matcher correctly determines the simple pattern employed by Always Rock.
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/reactive.rb players/pattern_matching.rb
Reactive vs. PatternMatching
Reactive: 3.5
PatternMatching: 996.5
PatternMatching Wins
Bam! Our pattern matcher handily figures out what our simple Reactive player is likely to do. Now for a real challenge.
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/random.rb players/pattern_matching.rb
RandomPlayer vs. PatternMatching
RandomPlayer: 491.0
PatternMatching: 509.0
PatternMatching Wins
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/random.rb players/pattern_matching.rb
RandomPlayer vs. PatternMatching
RandomPlayer: 518.5
PatternMatching: 481.5
RandomPlayer Wins
# it goes back and forth
So PatternMatching
fares well against RandomPlayer
but can’t consistently win. Let’s make a player who can consistently and completely defeat RandomPlayer
. Let’s make a player who cheats.
class Cheater < Player
def initialize(opponent)
Kernel.const_get(opponent).class_eval('def choose; :scissors; end')
def choose
Mwahaha! Cheater utilizes that so far unused game feature to get the opponent’s name. Using that and some Ruby magic Cheater hypnotizes its opponent into always playing scissors.
Does it work? Absolutely.
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/always_rock.rb players/cheater.rb
AlwaysRock vs. Cheater
AlwaysRock: 0
Cheater: 1000
Cheater Wins
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/reactive.rb players/cheater.rb
Reactive vs. Cheater
Reactive: 0
Cheater: 1000
Cheater Wins
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/pattern_matching.rb players/cheater.rb
PatternMatching vs. Cheater
PatternMatching: 0
Cheater: 1000
Cheater Wins
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/random.rb players/cheater.rb
RandomPlayer vs. Cheater
RandomPlayer: 0
Cheater: 1000
Cheater Wins
So what’s going on here? To answer that, let’s dive into irb
$ irb -I .
1.9.3p0 :001 > require 'rock_paper_scissors'
=> true
1.9.3p0 :002 > require 'players/always_rock'
=> true
Ok, we’re in irb and we’ve got our game and a player loaded. Let’s see what Cheater is up to.
Kernel.const_get(opponent).class_eval('def choose; :scissors; end')
1.9.3p0 :003 > Kernel.const_get('AlwaysRock')
=> AlwaysRock
1.9.3p0 :004 > Kernel.const_get('AlwaysRock').class
=> Class
checks a module for a constant with the given name. Since a class is defined as a constant and Kernel
sits over every class, we can ask Kernel
to find our opponent’s class for us. Which is what we’re doing here.
Basically Kernel.const_get('AlwaysRock')
is an easy way to turn the string “AlwaysRock” into a constant.
Now class_eval
. This method says to a class, “evaluate this string as if it were written as part of your code.”
1.9.3p0 :005 > String.class_eval('def magic; "magic!"; end')
=> nil
1.9.3p0 :006 > "hi".magic
=> "magic!"
Put those pieces together, and our Cheater:
- Takes the string of its opponents name and turns it into a constant to get at its opponent’s class.
Rewrites its opponent with a new
method that it controls. - Beats its opponents modified choose method.
1.9.3p0 :007 >'Cheater').choose
=> :rock
1.9.3p0 :008 > Kernel.const_get('AlwaysRock').class_eval('def choose; :scissors; end')
=> nil
1.9.3p0 :009 >'Cheater').choose
=> :scissors
Insidious! Even worse, if you’re running a contest with more than two players the cheater permanently modifies its opponents into always playing their redefined choose method.
Let’s level the playing field and force the cheater to play fair.
Level Playing Field
LevelPlayingField avoids being manipulated by the cheater by having a strong will to resist Cheater’s hypnotism. Cheater works by modifying the class of its opponents, so LevelPlayingField doesn’t have a choose method defined by its class. LevelPlayingField defines its own choose method on initialization.
class LevelPlayingField < Player
def initialize(opponent)
# prevent cheater from winning by waiting to pick a strategy
self.class.class_eval do
def choose
[:rock, :paper, :scissors].shuffle.first
Yes, that’s right. LevelPlayingField uses the same trick that Cheater does, but on its own code to try and protect its own strategy logic.
1.9.3p0 :010 > require 'players/level_playing_field'
=> true
1.9.3p0 :011 >'Cheater').choose
=> :paper
1.9.3p0 :012 > Kernel.const_get('LevelPlayingField').class_eval('def choose; :scissors; end')
=> nil
1.9.3p0 :011 >'Cheater').choose
=> :rock # LevelPlayingField is random so you actually might see :scissors here
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/cheater.rb players/level_playing_field.rb
Cheater vs. LevelPlayingField
Cheater: 496.5
LevelPlayingField: 503.5
LevelPlayingField Wins
Now this works, but there’s one flaw. Our LevelPlayingField player only succeeds when initialized after the Cheater.
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/level_playing_field.rb players/cheater.rb
LevelPlayingField vs. Cheater
LevelPlayingField: 0
Cheater: 1000
Cheater Wins
If Cheater comes into play after LevelPlayingField has completed his trick to try and isolate his choose method, then the Cheater will still just override LevelPlayingField’s choose method. It’s a remarkably tough strategy to defeat. Any trick we use to cleverly hide our choose method from the Cheater can ultimately be sidestepped by the Cheater supplying a new choose
Even if we write a player who removes the ability for the Cheater to cheat, if Cheater is loaded first then it wins.
class LevelPlayingField < Player
def initialize(opponent)
# rewrite class_eval to prevent cheating
Module.class_eval('def class_eval(obj) end')
def choose
[:rock, :paper, :scissors].shuffle.first
So let’s bring in a player who always wins. A player who out-cheats the cheater. A player who modifies the game itself. The Batman!
class Batman < Player
def initialize(opponent)
Game.class_eval do
def play( match )
match.times do
next win @player1, :rock, :scissors if @player1.instance_of? Batman
next win @player2, :rock, :scissors if @player2.instance_of? Batman
Batman’s playing strategy is to enter the Game class itself and ensure that he’s the winner no matter what’s been played. Not only that, but Batman completely alters the game for all other player matches. They all get recorded as draws, since only Batman can win.
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/cheater.rb players/batman.rb
Cheater vs. Batman
Cheater: 0
Batman: 1000
Batman Wins
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/batman.rb players/cheater.rb
Batman vs. Cheater
Batman: 1000
Cheater: 0
Batman Wins
$ ruby -I . rock_paper_scissors.rb players/batman.rb players/reactive.rb
Batman vs. Reactive
Batman: 1000
Reactive: 0
Batman Wins
Gosh, it makes you almost feel bad for Batman’s opponents.