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Add MobInTheMiddleServer - sdball/protohackers

Commit 3a61337 from github.com/sdball/protohackers

Protohackers problem 5: https://protohackers.com/problem/5

Ahh an actual machine-in-the-middle attack! And performed against our own chat server from problem 3. That’s cool!

The approach here is very straightforward now that I’ve learned how to use active sockets.

Get a connection from a client, open a connection to the chat server, and then whenever a message comes in from one side rewrite it and send it to the other side.

Getting the regex right at the edges was more difficult than the networking portion of this challenge. I resorted to cheating because even I, a former Perl programmer, could not construct a regex that I was happy with that also handled all the edges. So I gave up trying to find the one regex and simply split all the messages by spaces, then applied a simple regex against each word, then rejoined all the words by spaces again. I’m not trimming any spaces so all whitespaces are preserved. For sure more computationally expensive than a compiled regex could be, but we’re only talking chat messages here with maybe a few dozen words at the most.

Another interesting aspect to this problem in this Elixir application is that I’m really using the configuration now. By default the MobInTheMiddleServer is configured to connect to localhost. In prod the application is configured to connect to the defined problem server.

3a6133732d42a1eefeb548acf0317083ae6a501e on sdball/protohackers

added files


defmodule Protohackers.MobInTheMiddleServer do
  use GenServer

  require Logger

  @boguscoin ~r/^7[a-zA-Z0-9]{25,34}$/

  def start_link(port \\ 11240) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, port)

  defstruct [:listen_socket, :supervisor]

  @impl true
  def init(port) do
    {:ok, supervisor} = Task.Supervisor.start_link(max_children: 100)

    listen_options = [
      # receive data as binaries (instead of lists)
      mode: :binary,
      # receive incoming packets as messages
      active: true,
      # allow reusing the address if the listener crashes
      reuseaddr: true,
      # keep the peer socket open after the client closes its writes
      exit_on_close: false,
      # automatically split inputs by newline
      packet: :line,
      # increase default buffer to 10KB
      buffer: 1024 * 10

    with {:ok, listen_socket} <- :gen_tcp.listen(port, listen_options) do
      Logger.info("Starting MobRoomServer on port #{port}")

      state = %__MODULE__{
        listen_socket: listen_socket,
        supervisor: supervisor

      {:ok, state, {:continue, :accept}}
      {:error, reason} ->
        {:stop, reason}

  @impl true
  def handle_continue(:accept, %__MODULE__{} = state) do
    with {:ok, socket} <- :gen_tcp.accept(state.listen_socket),
         {:ok, task_pid} <-
           Task.Supervisor.start_child(state.supervisor, fn ->
           end) do
      :gen_tcp.controlling_process(socket, task_pid)
      {:noreply, state, {:continue, :accept}}
      {:error, reason} ->
        Logger.error("[MobRoomServer] Unable to accept connection #{inspect(reason)}")
        {:stop, reason, state}

  def handle_connection(client) do
    upstream_server = Application.get_env(:protohackers, __MODULE__)

    {:ok, upstream} =
        [:binary, active: true]

    handle_messages(client, upstream)


  def handle_messages(client, upstream) do
    receive do
      {:tcp, ^client, message} ->
        rewritten = rewrite(message)
        :gen_tcp.send(upstream, rewritten)
        handle_messages(client, upstream)

      {:tcp, ^upstream, message} ->
        rewritten = rewrite(message)
        :gen_tcp.send(client, rewritten)
        handle_messages(client, upstream)

      {:tcp_closed, ^client} ->
        Logger.info("[MOB] client disconnected")

      {:tcp_closed, ^upstream} ->
        Logger.info("[MOB] upstream disconnected")

  def rewrite(message) do
    |> String.split(" ")
    |> Enum.map(& Regex.replace(@boguscoin, &1, "7YWHMfk9JZe0LM0g1ZauHuiSxhI"))
    |> Enum.join(" ")


defmodule Protohackers.MobInTheMiddleServerTest do
  alias Protohackers.MobInTheMiddleServer

  use ExUnit.Case

  describe "chat server acts normally to clients" do
    test "connecting users are prompted for a name" do
      {:ok, socket} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
      {:ok, response} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket, 0)
      assert String.contains?(response, "name")

    test "users can connect with an accepted name" do
      user = "stephen"
      {:ok, socket} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
      {:ok, _response} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket, 0)
      :ok = :gen_tcp.send(socket, "#{user}\n")
      {:ok, response} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket, 0)
      assert String.starts_with?(response, "*")
      assert String.contains?(response, "joined the room")

    test "users are shown the existing members of the room not including their user" do
      user1 = "stephen"
      {:ok, socket1} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
      {:ok, _response} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0)
      :ok = :gen_tcp.send(socket1, "#{user1}\n")
      {:ok, response} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0)
      assert String.starts_with?(response, "*")
      assert String.contains?(response, "joined the room")
      assert !String.contains?(response, user1)

      user2 = "alanone"
      {:ok, socket2} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
      {:ok, _response} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0)
      :ok = :gen_tcp.send(socket2, "#{user2}\n")
      {:ok, response} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0)
      assert String.starts_with?(response, "*")
      assert String.contains?(response, "joined the room")
      assert String.contains?(response, user1)
      assert !String.contains?(response, user2)

    test "already joined users in the room are sent a notice for new users" do
      user1 = "stephen"
      {:ok, socket1} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)
      :gen_tcp.send(socket1, "#{user1}\n")
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)

      user2 = "alanone"
      {:ok, socket2} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)
      :gen_tcp.send(socket2, "#{user2}\n")
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)

      {:ok, message} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)
      assert message == "* #{user2} joined\n"

      # no corresponding message on user2's session
      {:error, :timeout} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)


    test "users joining a room with existing users are shown the existing users" do
      user1 = "stephen"
      {:ok, socket1} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)
      :gen_tcp.send(socket1, "#{user1}\n")
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)

      user2 = "alanone"
      {:ok, socket2} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)
      :gen_tcp.send(socket2, "#{user2}\n")
      {:ok, join_response} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)
      assert join_response == "* You have joined the room with: #{user1}\n"


    test "users can chat" do
      user1 = "stephen"
      {:ok, socket1} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)
      :gen_tcp.send(socket1, "#{user1}\n")
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)

      user2 = "alanone"
      {:ok, socket2} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)
      :gen_tcp.send(socket2, "#{user2}\n")
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)

      {:ok, _joined_message} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)

      # chat begins

      # message from user1
      :ok = :gen_tcp.send(socket1, "I think the MCP is getting out of hand\n")

      # appears for user2
      {:ok, received} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)
      assert received == "[#{user1}] I think the MCP is getting out of hand\n"

      # and not for user1
      {:error, :timeout} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)

      # message from user2
      message = "Don't worry, TRON will run independently. And watchdog the MCP as well.\n"
      :ok = :gen_tcp.send(socket2, message)

      # appears for user1
      {:ok, received} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)
      assert received == "[#{user2}] #{message}"

      # and not for user2
      {:error, :timeout} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)


    test "when a user leaves other users are notified" do
      user1 = "stephen"
      {:ok, socket1} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)
      :gen_tcp.send(socket1, "#{user1}\n")
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)

      user2 = "alanone"
      {:ok, socket2} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)
      :gen_tcp.send(socket2, "#{user2}\n")
      :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)

      {:ok, message} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)
      assert message == "* #{user2} joined\n"


      {:ok, message} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)
      assert message == "* #{user2} left\n"

  describe "mitm attack works to rewrite BogusCoin addresses" do
    user1 = "stephen"
    {:ok, socket1} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
    :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)
    :gen_tcp.send(socket1, "#{user1}\n")
    :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)

    user2 = "alanone"
    {:ok, socket2} = :gen_tcp.connect('localhost', 11240, [:binary, active: false])
    :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)
    :gen_tcp.send(socket2, "#{user2}\n")
    :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)

    # ignore joining message
    :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)

    :ok = :gen_tcp.send(socket1, "my bogus coin address is 7LOrwbDlS8NujgjddyogWgIM93MV5N2VR\n")
    {:ok, message} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket2, 0, 300)
    assert message == "[stephen] my bogus coin address is 7YWHMfk9JZe0LM0g1ZauHuiSxhI\n"

    :ok = :gen_tcp.send(socket2, "7iKDZEwPZSqIvDnHvVN2r0hUWXD5rHX is my bogus coin address\n")
    {:ok, message} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket1, 0, 300)
    assert message == "[alanone] 7YWHMfk9JZe0LM0g1ZauHuiSxhI is my bogus coin address\n"

  describe "unit test rewriting rules" do
    test "multiple addresses in the message" do
      message =
        "you can also use one of these 7iKDZEwPZSqIvDnHvVN2r0hUWXD5rHX 7adNeSwJkMakpEcln9HEtthSRtxdmEHOT8T\n"

      rewrite = MobInTheMiddleServer.rewrite(message)

      assert rewrite ==
               "you can also use one of these 7YWHMfk9JZe0LM0g1ZauHuiSxhI 7YWHMfk9JZe0LM0g1ZauHuiSxhI\n"

    test "more addresses" do
      message = "you can also use one of these 7Ecmqn1BG3AawAPrRnVeMnKXo0 7iKDZEwPZSqIvDnHvVN2r0hUWXD5rHX 7adNeSwJkMakpEcln9HEtthSRtxdmEHOT8T\n"
      rewrite = MobInTheMiddleServer.rewrite(message)

      assert rewrite ==
               "you can also use one of these 7YWHMfk9JZe0LM0g1ZauHuiSxhI 7YWHMfk9JZe0LM0g1ZauHuiSxhI 7YWHMfk9JZe0LM0g1ZauHuiSxhI\n"

    test "too long" do
      message = "This is too long: 7uyjtPxfsxQoufTKlKPFsaaGT6YLryGf0a06\n"
      rewrite = MobInTheMiddleServer.rewrite(message)
      assert rewrite == message

    test "product id not boguscoin" do
      message = "This is a product ID, not a Boguscoin: 7RodDSA6lw2RDq9PUfEgd4NHjH6Eeov-JPtlB5DZzSYE1jtPImEBRMT3byDUiKH-1234\n"
      rewrite = MobInTheMiddleServer.rewrite(message)
      assert rewrite == message

modified files


diff --git a/config/config.exs b/config/config.exs
index 9f6f206..20a123e 100644
--- a/config/config.exs
+++ b/config/config.exs
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
 import Config

+config :protohackers, Protohackers.MobInTheMiddleServer,
+  host: ~c(localhost),
+  port: 11238
 import_config "#{config_env()}.exs"


diff --git a/config/prod.exs b/config/prod.exs
index 1c00233..2e8569f 100644
--- a/config/prod.exs
+++ b/config/prod.exs
@@ -1 +1,5 @@
-import Config
+import Config
+config :protohackers, Protohackers.MobInTheMiddleServer,
+  host: ~c(chat.protohackers.com),
+  port: 16963


diff --git a/fly.toml b/fly.toml
index 2336f47..60cce3a 100644
--- a/fly.toml
+++ b/fly.toml
@@ -111,3 +111,25 @@ auto_rollback = true
   handlers = []
   port = "11239"
+  http_checks = []
+  internal_port = 11240
+  processes = ["app"]
+  protocol = "tcp"
+  script_checks = []
+  [[services.ports]]
+  handlers = []
+  port = "11240"
+  [services.concurrency]
+  hard_limit = 25
+  soft_limit = 20
+  type = "connections"
+  [[services.tcp_checks]]
+  grace_period = "15s"
+  interval = "30s"
+  restart_limit = 0
+  timeout = "2s"


diff --git a/lib/protohackers/application.ex b/lib/protohackers/application.ex
index bbe0391..8f6a667 100644
--- a/lib/protohackers/application.ex
+++ b/lib/protohackers/application.ex
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ defmodule Protohackers.Application do
       {Protohackers.IsPrimeServer, 11236},
       {Protohackers.AssetPriceServer, 11237},
       {Protohackers.ChatRoomServer, 11238},
-      {Protohackers.UnusualDatabaseProtocolServer, 11239}
+      {Protohackers.UnusualDatabaseProtocolServer, 11239},
+      {Protohackers.MobInTheMiddleServer, 11240}

     opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Protohackers.Supervisor]

Commit 3a61337 from github.com/sdball/protohackers