All posts tagged "ruby"
From awk to a Dockerized Ruby Script
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/from-awk-to-a-dockerized-ruby-script
Taking a script and wrapping it up into a Docker image that can easily run anywhere!
Every if statement is an object waiting to be extracted
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/every-if-statement-is-an-object-waiting-to-be-extracted
Turning control flows into objects is not only possible it is sometimes more expressive and useful.
Running bundle install on rails master
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/bundle-install-for-rails-6
In which I handle bundle install errors for the Rails 6 repo
Connecting Objects with Observable
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/connecting-objects-with-observable
Using the Observable module from Ruby's standard library
Let's Use Hwacha to Scan URLs
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/lets-use-hwacha-to-scan-urls
I've written a gem, Hwacha, that wraps Typhoeus for fast, easy, and powerful URL checking.
Customize Your IRB
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/customize-your-irb
How to customize your local Ruby REPL to be a more effective tool.
Gem Spotlight: interactive_editor
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/gem-spotlight-interactive_editor
Taking a look at the interactive_editor gem and its capabilities.
Rails isn't for beginners
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/rails-isnt-for-beginners
In which I attempt to declare that Rails was never meant to just be a beginner'ss introduction to web programming.
How to use bundler instead of rvm gemsets
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/how-to-use-bundler-instead-of-rvm-gemsets
No need to manage gemset environments per project!
How to write (and test) a gem to serve static files on the Rails asset pipeline
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/write-a-gem-for-the-rails-asset-pipeline
Want to write a gem that adds static assets to Rails such as a JavaScript library? I've figured out some things.
A Taste of Ruby Metaprogramming
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/a-taste-of-ruby-metaprogramming
Ruby metaprogramming is not only a powerful feature, it's easy to use as well.
Fun with Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/fun-with-rock-paper-scissors
Writing Ruby programs to play Rock, Paper, Scissors
Let's Write a Gem: Part 2
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/lets-write-a-gem-part-two
In which we wrap up writing a gem and in particular delve into ensure our gem is well tested.
Let's Write a Gem: Part 1
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/lets-write-a-gem-part-one
Ever wanted to write a Ruby gem? Let's do that!
Increase Rails Performance with Database Indexes
- Author: Travis Williams
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/increase-rails-performance-with-database-indexes
If you need to frequently query a database table by a specific column, you should probably index it.
Parsing Dates and Times from Strings using strptime
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/parsing-dates-and-times-from-strings-using-strptime
Datetime strings are complex. Let's turn them into structured data.
Anonymous blocks as function arguments in Ruby
- Author: Stephen Ball
- Published:
- Permalink: /blog/anonymous-blocks-as-function-arguments-in-ruby
How you can write your own code to handle blocks passed to Ruby functions